Welcome to the new Explore – complete with search, shortcut to your district and other improvements to the user experience!
Minor bug fixes and improvements to user experience.
Minor bug fixes and improvements to user experience.
Minor bug fixes and improvements to user experience, as well as support for deep linking.
Minor bug fixes and improvements to user experience, as well as support for deep linking.
Then we can finally offer night mode on the Nyhetsappen!
Then we can finally offer night mode on the Nyhetsappen!
Then we can finally offer night mode on the News app!
Minor bug fixes and improvements to the user experience.
Minor bug fixes?
Bug fix related to push notifications ??
Minor bug fixes related to push notifications ??
Minor bug fixes?
Minor bug fixes?
Minor bug fixes?
Minor bug fixes and improvement of the user experience ?
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
This update contains bug fixes and improvements to the user experience ?
Does this update contain bug fixes and improvements to the user experience?
Upgrades related to "Follow your area" on the front page
Small bug fixes and internal improvements
- Now keeps state on the "category" tab so the screen doesn't reset when entering and exiting a category
- When exiting a video in full screen, the app will find you back to where you were in the video
- Improved deeplinking to NRK Radio and NRK TV
- Updated list of third-party libraries
Small bug fixes
Small bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Correcting Blank Cover Page Errors
- Bug fixes for push notifications and launch of the app
- Corrections around login
- Login
- New navigation
- Login
- New navigation
- Login
- New navigation
- Login
- New navigation
- Login
- New navigation
In these updates, we have corrected some minor errors in the app
We have now made it possible to send feedback to NRK Publikumsservice from the app.
-The font size used in the app now follows the font size selected in settings on your phone / tablet
The size of the app is significantly reduced and it takes up less space on your device
-Added opportunity to subscribe to the "Morning SUMMUM" alert at the first launch of the app
The size of the app is significantly reduced and it takes up less space on your device
-Added opportunity to subscribe to the "Morning SUMMUM" alert at the first launch of the app
Bug fixes
- Errors and improvements
- Errors and improvements
-Things with short video clips can now be accessed directly from push notifications
Help us improve! We are working to improve the push notifications in the apps. In order to chart what we can do better, we sometimes ask for the reason why you turn off notifications for a theme or thing.
- Fixed errors that allowed videos to not be played in some cases
- Fixed errors that allowed videos to not be played in some cases
- Fit for native video playback
-Updated app icon to support Android 7 and later -Regretted failure where NRK Beta articles were not displayed correctly -A variety of other minor bug fixes
New in 2.4.11: -Updated app icon to support Android 7 and later -Regretted failure where NRK Beta articles were not displayed correctly -A variety of other minor bug fixes
New in 2.4.4: - Fixed crash that could occur when the app was started in landscape mode - Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.4.0: - New notification page - Various bug fixes Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.28: - Corrected error loading articles New in 2.3.27: - Fixed error while viewing images Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.26: - Corrected horizontal scroll error - Other miscellaneous bug fixes Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.26: - Corrected horizontal scroll error - Other miscellaneous bug fixes Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.19: - Statistics page - Various bug fixes and improvements New in 2.3.18: - Rich notifications with images and more text - New alert tone Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.19: - Statistics page - Various bug fixes and improvements New in 2.3.18: - Rich notifications with images and more text - New alert tone Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.18: - Rich notifications with images and more text - New alert tone New in 2.3.17: - Fixed error where new users could not turn news alert - Various bug fixes and improvements Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.18: - Rich notifications with images and more text - New alert tone New in 2.3.17: - Fixed error where new users could not turn news alert - Various bug fixes and improvements Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.17: - Fixed error where new users could not turn news alert New in 2.3.16: - Fixed errors when saving p3 articles for reading later - Various bug fixes and improvements Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.16: - Fixed errors when saving p3 articles for reading later - Various bug fixes and improvements Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.13: - Fixed a problem where the cover page was automatically scrolled to the top after opening an article New in 2.3.12: - Errors Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.
New in 2.3.12: - Errors New in 2.3.11: - Design adjustments Get an overview of the news and what interests you! You get the NRK desks, plus what you decide is important to you. Featured Features: - determine the content - Find a lot of reading content - subscribe simpler to spoken news alerts - See what NRK offers on TV & radio Tell us what you miss.